Did you sell tickets for the competition and want to know how to transfer them? You are in the right article! Here we'll explain you the process ;)

It's quick and easy! Your tickets can only be transferred once your guests have downloaded and registered on the Wimbledon Official app

  1. Go to the Tickets tab
  2. Select the tickets you sold and you must transfer and then, tap Transfer Ticket
  3. Complete the fields with the email address of your guest and then, click on Submit 

Please note, you can only use your buyer´s email address for purely transactional reasons. Any misuse of such information will be in your own responsibility.

At latest, access your StubHub International account, find and complete your sale. If you entered the buyer info, click at Confirm Transfer button and you're done! 

  • Don't see the button? Don't worry! This means that you are all set! 

What will happen if the tickets are not transferred on time? 

Should the tickets are not transferred and we are not informed of any issues during the process, may lead to a delay in your payment.

Any mention or reference to the Wimbledon Official App is for informational purposes only and does not imply any official association.

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