There are two ways to resell tickets on StubHub International. Both equally valid. Please, find below the instructions to easily list your ticket(s) from a desktop (you can also resell from the mobile web or the StubHub App)

Option A 

  1. Log into your profile
  2. Go to the 'Orders', 'Current' tab and search for your transaction
  3. Click on 'Can’t attend? Sell your ticket' button
  4. If this is your first time listing with us, you will be asked to identify you as an individual seller and enter your personal details.
  5. Confirm the number of tickets you want to sell
  6. Type the amount you want for one ticket
  7. Enter the bank or PayPal account information you want to be paid into (you will need a bank account set in the currency of the event. Otherwise, please add your PayPal account).  
  8. Enter the credit card information to provide our Fan Protect™ Guarantee. All sellers are required to have a valid credit card on file.
  9. Once you have created your listing, this would be active. Do not worry, you will receive a confirmation email. You could also see that information accessing your profile in the 'Listings' area.

Option B

  1. Look for the event on our web page and click see tickets.
  2. Click sell instead (Blue logo top right of page).
  3. Enter the same information you have about the tickets: 
    • Ticket type
    • Ticket availability: depending if you have the tickets. In case you do not have them in your possession, choose the Late Shipping option and choose the date closest to the event. 
    • Location 
  4. Type the amount you want for one ticket.
  5. If this is your first time listing with us, you will be asked to identify you as an individual seller and enter your personal details.
  6. Enter the bank /PayPal account information you want to be paid into (you will need a bank account set in the currency of the event, otherwise please add your PayPal account). 
  7. Enter the credit card information to provide our Fan Protect™ Guarantee. All sellers are required to have a valid credit card on file.
  8. Once you have created your listing, this would be active. Do not worry, you will receive a confirmation email. You could also see that information accessing your profile in the Listings area.

Once the listing has been created...

  • Please, kindly inform our team about the listing reference.
  • While the listing is on our site, you can modify the price of the ticket as many times as you consider necessary.

Once a sale is confirmed

You will receive an email to inform you. Do you have the tickets in your possession? 

  • Yes, I have the tickets. Depending on the ticket type you will need to:
    • For Physical tickets, you will need to ship by courier. Here you can find the steps to deliver. 
    • For Electronic tickets (PDF), you will need to upload the PDF file from your profile. Here you can find the process to upload them. Same process for Screenshot tickets. 
    • For Mobile Transfer, it can be 3 different types. Here you can learn more about the mobile transfer we have available and how to send to the buyer. 
  • No, I don't have the tickets yet. Please, let us know as well so we can link the transactions in our system and arrange the tickets delivery to the final buyer.

Once the tickets are delivered to the final buyer, we will update your sale status so you can receive payment. Payments are released 5-8 business days after the event takes place. Please make sure your payment method is set and ready. Not sure how to configure your payment method? Here, we explain it to you.